No matter who you are or what you have done, God still loves you. He always wants the very best for you. The Bible shows time and again how God can meet someone where they are at and transform their life and their situation. Even when others might give up on us and write us off, God’s offer of forgiveness and a fresh start stands as long as we have breath. His love is not based on our perfection, or even our goodness. He loves because he chooses to value us and include us in His plan. He is alive, active, present, powerful and loving; the wisest thing we can do is to surrender our lives to Him and accept His grace made available to us through the great sacrifice of Jesus Christ. We can have a personal relationship with God that answers the deep desires of our hearts.
Who is Jesus?
Jesus is God, the Son of the Father. He came to earth 2000 years ago in human form to walk amongst us, demonstrating the Father's great love and power, and to ultimately die for our sins. In becoming a man, Jesus never ceased to be God but also became human. He lived perfectly and voluntarily gave up his life to take the consequence of our sins – that is, our thoughts and actions that conflict with God’s perfect way. Not only did He die for us, He was also raised to life again, promising us eternal life. We call him ‘Saviour’ as He has offered to save us from the power of sin and death and to restore our relationship with Him.
Jesus is For You
Jesus is not an extension or an add-on to our life; He wants to be at the core of who we are. He wants to lead us in a whole new spiritual life of joy and peace through relationship with Him. Jesus is able to heal us from past hurts, establish purpose for our present and give us hope for the future.
If you have not accepted God’s forgiveness or surrendered your life to Him and His perfect plans, you can do this right now by praying these words.
Dear Jesus,
I bring my life before You today. I’m sorry that you have not been at the centre of my life. I’m sorry for all the wrong things that I’ve done living without you. I make a decision to turn my back on my sins and turn towards You. I believe you died on the cross and rose again for me and I accept Your death as a sacrifice for my sins. Please forgive me and be the Lord of my life. I want to know You and live for You for the rest of my life.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Congratulations! In praying these words with an honest heart, you have started the journey of a lifetime – following Him. If you have prayed this for the first time or are recommitting to a life with Jesus, we would love to know and support you in this journey. Let us know below.
One of the greatest ways to take a first step in this journey of faith is to find a community of people to do the journey with. One of the best ways to make meaningful connections is by being planted in church. There is a place for you at any of our LIFE Campuses and you are invited to join us this Sunday.