Day 1 • Starting Your Greatest Journey
Ps Luke de Jong



Welcome to the greatest discovery and journey of your life! I don’t think we can comprehend just how incredible it is – the moment your life connects with God by saying yes to a relationship with Jesus. Simply put, the moment that the created connects with their Creator, God.

Over the next few weeks and months, I am believing God will continue to reveal Himself to you in significant ways. I have put together this short guide to help encourage you in the first seven days of this journey and to help you understand who God is and how to grow your relationship with Him.

Maybe for you this relationship is a brand new discovery, or one you decided to come back to. Regardless of who you are, where you’ve come from or what you have or haven’t done in your life, I want you to know you are LOVED and God welcomes you with open arms.

Maybe like me, during your school years you experienced a moment where your classmates picked players for a team. You may have been a natural athlete, maybe you weren’t. Either way, you may have secretly prayed or thought, “please pick me, please pick me.” No one ever wants to be picked last. Everyone wants to be wanted and accepted.

There is a big difference between Christianity and following a religious way of life as we may think of it today. Christianity is a relationship with God that takes place through accepting Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour.

Religion, on the other hand, can conjure up thoughts of rules and regulations you and I must adhere to in order for us to measure up to, and therefore be acceptable through obtaining them.

The beauty about relationship is that you can come as you are, and be accepted for who you are. That’s right, God’s loves you just the way you are!

The Bible mentions in the book of John, that long before you and I could ever make a personal decision to include God into our world, He chose us to be in relationship with Him.

In fact, it says in Romans 5:8 “But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners”. How good is that!

The Bible declares in John 3:16 that “Whosoever would believe in Jesus shall be saved and have everlasting life.” (more about that later).

Over the next few days, I’m going to encourage you to read a section of this simple little guide to help you understand some of the keys to a life of faith in Jesus and some of the best next steps you can take.