About the Course

Innovation and Technology Series

Being aware of current and future trends and leveraging technology effectively is essential to business success. Join some of LIFE’s industry experts for a 4-part series of workshops on innovation and technology. We will be exploring the next wave of digital disruption and the application of developing technologies in our businesses and workplaces. 

Speakers from diverse professional backgrounds with varied experiences, will equip you with tools, inspiring ideas and share in-depth knowledge on several topics. There will also be time to workshop ideas, network and connect with other professionals each week


$40 per person




Every Tuesday from 10th October – for 4 weeks

Who is this course for?

For business owners, leaders within business or aspiring leaders wanting to grow themselves and their business.

What topics are covered?

1. Digital disruption with Gill Ardern, brand, licensing, retail and marketing consultant with a focus on digital transformation. This session will demystify key digital advancements providing an overview of the transition from web 2.0 to web 3.0 and provide context to the economic and socio-economic changes we are seeing and how we can be best placed for influence and impact.   
Digital Assets for the Everyday Investor with Darcy Ungaro, Financial Advisor and podcast host of “NZ Everyday Investor”. Darcy and his podcast guests provide insight into investments and the business world designed for everyday kiwis. Learn about the future adoption of digital currencies, tokens and digital assets.   
Creating a digital business with Dean Pendergrast founder of Enrolmy.com. Dean is an ex-teacher with one successful business sale and is currently expanding his second start up internationally.  
The future of the cloud and an AI workforce with Tovia Va’aelua, tech founder and futurist, previously Microsoft Small, Medium and Corporate Lead and currently General Manager – Technology Advisory Group at rhipe. Learn about technology infrastructure essentials to provide agility, scalability, continuity and gain insight into the next phase of cloud and AI development.   

What is included in the course? 

Handouts will be supplied during the course.