Day 6

God's Word


But his delight is in law of THE LORD; On his law he meditates day and night. He will be like a tree planted by the streams of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also does not wither. Whatever he does shall prosper. Psalms 1:2-3


God is our source of joy. And since He is alive in His Word, the Bible is a place where we can go to find that deep, everlasting joy that surpasses circumstances. The joy that can coexist with grief and pain and not be overcome. The joy that cultivates greater hope and peace and love. The Bible is not often associated with excitement and passion but God’s adoration of His children and His passionate love for us is on every page. We are loved by the God of the universe, the One who never fails or grows weary, who is waiting and ready to bless us, protect us and be with us in every season. Now that’s something to be overjoyed about. 


How might you incorporate joy and delight into your Bible reading? You might consider integrating creativity, a fresh environment, or a special friend into your engagement with scripture. 


Lord God, I realise I am not always joyful when it comes to reading scripture. It can feel like a chore and sometimes I don’t feel anything when I read. But Lord, as I contemplate Your Word right now, and remember how much You love me, that the Bible was written to testify to that love and show how it has endured for all people across all time, I am overwhelmed. God, I pray that I would come to scripture with expectation and excitement to meet with You. I pray it wouldn’t be done out of routine or obligation but be an overflow of the desire of my heart to meet with You and to see Your face. That You are the source of all joy! I love You and can’t wait to see You in the Word today. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.