Day 7

God's Word


So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ. Romans 10:17


In this scripture, Paul sums up the infinite complexity and simple truth of faith: that we cannot have it without the Word but without God we would not know we need faith. The Word cannot be separated from the Christian life. There is reassurance in this, that trying to be a Christian is a useless pursuit because it’s not up to our own effort. Take heart today, engaging with scripture is an act of rest, where we trust God to speak and let His words drown out our own. When we do any activity from a place of striving and anxiety about doing it perfectly, it’s difficult to take in new information, because our brains are primed for action, not reception. But if we start from a place of rest, we are primed to listen and wait for God, more able to feel when the Spirit moves in our hearts. This rest is not passive, when we read scripture with prayer and believing God speaks to our hearts,  we are actively engaging with the Author. But Bible reading is an intimate conversation with God. We are used to praying and saying the words, when we read, we are hearing Him speak instead. In the Bible we find the goodness of God, that when we surrender He is able and willing to fill us with His Word and by that, affirm and strengthen our faith. We need God so we need His Word. We don’t have to do anything to ‘get’ the Word, it’s all right there on the page, waiting for us. God is in His Word, hand outstretched. 


Do you feel like ‘getting’ something out of the Bible is up to you? What might happen if you trusted God to speak and just came as you are? 


Lord God thank You that in Your Word, You speak. You spoke then and You speak today. Sometimes I feel like I have to read the Bible as a way of being a good Christian. But You don’t need me to perform. You don’t want an edited version of me. Thank You that I can come messy, unsure, and confused to Your Word and let it do a work in me by the power of Your Spirit. Thank You that in Your words I find a renewed mind, holy confidence, and divine clarity. You take my mess and make all things new. Hallelujah Lord! Thank You that I don’t have to work to receive Your grace and mercy but it is always and already there for me in the pages of Your book. I love You God and I surrender to what You have to say to me today. Let my heart be teachable, eager to sit and be in Your presence as I wait for Your voice. Let this be a continual practice and source of joy as I continue on this journey of faith. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.