Join us on Sundays as we meet together at a LIFE Local in your neighbourhood. LIFE Locals are another way to experience Church and will be meeting as small group gatherings in homes and locations across Auckland to join in our Church Livestream services together. The livestream experiences include worship, opportunities for prayer and an encouraging message of hope for this season.

Church is intended to be experienced together with others, and through LIFE Locals, you will be able to meet new people in your community and engage in meaningful connections with one another. Selected family-friendly Locals will also have space for the primary-aged children in your family to enjoy their own Adventure Kids Online experience.
Can't make it to a LIFE Local?
Church Online by LIFE is a live and on-demand service available from any device. Streaming live to wherever you are on Sundays, 9AM NZT.
Some Locals will be family-friendly and have a space Primary-aged children to enjoy the Adventure Kids Online programme. Family-friendly locals are specified on the map.
For information about our in Campus services for this Sunday, please click here.
For more information about LIFE Locals, please contact [email protected]