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Love others while doing what you love!

Do you love to make people smile? Do you love to make someone’s day? Do you love helping others?

Use your God-given skills and talents on a team as you play your part to grow the kingdom and build relationships along the way. Check out some of the ways that you can serve or get in touch and we can help you personally, by recommending a team suitable for you.

Reasons to love being part of a team


Make an impact with the gifts God has given you, to bring hope, joy and love to others.



God works through ordinary people to do extraordinary things, and teaches us along the way.


Build genuine friendships and connections while being the hands and feet of Jesus.

Find a team

What do you love to do? Select one of the options below to find out which teams you could be part of!

Come in and have a chat at the Next Steps Lounge

The Next Steps Lounge happens at your local Campus after every service, every week. It's a dedicated space where a member of our team would love to get to know you better, hear a bit of your story and your faith journey, and recommend a personalised next step for you.