We’re thrilled to invite you to an incredible event, Together Forever, designed to strengthen your marriage. Marriage can feel like a great adventure – as you juggle the busyness of life. It can be a lot! No matter where you are on the journey, it’s important to take the time to nurture and strengthen your relationship with one another.

Join us for two days filled with encouraging talks, practical tips, and honest conversations designed to help you and your other half build a healthy, thriving marriage.

To make the weekend an easy one for you and your family, we will have our very own Adventure Kids Programme for ages 1-13 years old during the weekend. Please register your children along with your own registration.


We have breakouts at 10:30am on Saturday, covering a wide range of topics and answering questions relevant to your stage of marriage.


We’re just starting this journey of marriage
(0 to 5 years married)

Location: 1 Year Olds Room
(enter via Adventure Kids)

The Early Years

We’re starting a family, want to start a family or have young children
(6 to 14 years married)

Location: Auditorium

Married with Older Children

We’ve navigated the young families stage and now have teenage children
(15-25 years married)

Location: Chapel

Seasoned Spouses

We’ve done the hard yards and now it’s just us at home!
(25 years+ married)

Location: Gym

Married Again

For at least one of us, this is not our first marriage.

Location: Upstairs Classroom
(enter via stairs by the main entrance)

There will be:

Encouraging Talks
Hear from the married veterans on our LIFE team, including Ps Tony and Kath Rainbow and Ps Luke and Melissa de Jong, who have an endless amount of wisdom from their experiences.

Practical Tips
Gain actionable advice to strengthen your marriage. There will also be breakout sessions tailored to your stage of marriage, whether you're newlyweds, early-year couples starting a family, parents of teens, seasoned spouses, or remarried.

Memorable Moments:
Expect plenty of laughter, “aha” moments, and opportunities to create unforgettable memories with your spouse.

What to expect:


Arrive early to register and enjoy food from on-site food trucks before the session. Plus, don’t miss the dance class with free dessert after the session!


Starting the day with morning tea on arrival. There will be breakout sessions, a panel with our LIFE team and a time of ministry. And it wouldn’t be a LIFE event without a free yum lunch provided.